Tuesday, December 26, 2023

London - Christmas Eve

As the day draws to a close here, and family and friends wake up to Christmas day in Australia, just a few photos of a magical evening in twinkly London.

So very lovely to have Annaliese come to stay for a few days.  We had the best evening catching double decker busses and walking through London sights with so much atmosphere.



Many streets from Monopoly fame

Big Ben

Westminster Abbey

London Eye

Picadilly Circus and the incredible Christmas lights of Regent Street

Trafalgar Square

Hyde Park


Had a dessert at a special candy pink desert cafe

A 34000 steps day! (Including 2 doggy walks).

Oh and the doggy likes me now 😊

Goodnight from the Northern hemisphere 🌲

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Maddybenny to Londonderry 🍀 68kms 🚴‍♀️ 5.5km 🚶‍♀️

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