Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Londonderry to Kesh 68kms 🚴‍♀️

The sun was shining and I headed off for the day. Soooo much quicker packing up in a bnb than a tent 😂

Down the hill i cycled to the river and along to the bridge. I stopped and was looking a little baffled as the double storied car bridge was ahead of me and I was trying to work out from my map which level I was to cycle on.

A friendly cyclists stopped to help and 10mins later he had given me some alternate road route tips and pointed me on my way.

I cycled along the river before heading up into the hills for a day of rural riding. Lots of cows and sheep to say hi to and narrow hedge-lined roads with the occasional tractor.  

I stopped in at Castlederg to see the 15th century castle ruins, built on the river Derg.  

Then up over another big hill with glimpses of the Lochs in the distance.

My day finished with an exhausting 7 mile strait which, although straight, is not flat 🙄. Constant hills and at the top thinking it must be the last but then, surprise there's another 😂.

All OK but I've had a few hills in the last few days. I called in at Drumskinny Stone Circle which has much smaller stones than I've seen previously, but equally interesting.

As I cycled into my destination, the township of Kesh, I realised I had a growing line of cars behind me and so pulled over when I had a chance to let them pass (always try to do this on major roads), and a car pulled in after me. The window wound down and there was my friend Louise 😊. After catching up in passing in Cologne recently, we realised we were both in Ireland at a similar time and wondered if our paths would cross. A little tweak to the itinerary so we could spend the evening together but amazing to arrive into town from completely different directions, at the exact same time.

Such a lovely evening catching up and sharing stories 😊 

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