Friday, December 1, 2023

"Franz Josef Stairs" hike to Vrmac fort, Kotor 🇲🇪

 On my hike yesterday I met an Australian couple who recommended the Franz Josef hike and they pointed the switchbacks out to me from one mountain to the next.

This morning I did my washing and then headed off for the hike.  Rain forecast and actually only sorted right at the end which was a blessing as the limestone pretty slippery when wet.  

View from my hostel window ❤️

Breakfast bar at the hostel 

I was warned that the path is a bit tough to find and they were right.  Up a road to a construction site, up some stairs and more stairs and more, then behind houses and people's backyards. 

I struggled to find the official start but scrambled over some rocks that looked walked on and found a track.  I was standing wondering where to go and a cute beagle dog appeared and seemed to guide me.  I decided to follow it and came to a rock slide which the dog walked up.  So I followed again, conscious not to make a further rock slide and then saw the path above.  I thanked the dog 😂 and he turned around.  Really was quite hilarious if anyone was watching.  

Another Austro Hungarian switchback road and this one had a plaque saying built in 1860. 

The hike today was through pine forests and lots of wild pomegranates too.  The views to the water were a bit obstructed and a lot more rock.  Towards the top it opened out to forest by

and I had been given a tip by a girl at the hostel to take the left option for a few hundred metres for an excellent view before doubling back and continuing to the fort. 

She was right!  The views to the bay and steep mountains gorgeous.  I could see fresh snow, and snow clouds at the top of the mountain I climbed yesterday.  I had my picnic lunch with the view and had some fun with my camera timer.

Then on to the abandoned Fort Vrmac and views to the Adriatic sea.  

I had a little look around the fort and went inside but pitch black, dripping from the rain and bats and so after a small explore, turned back.  It was interesting to see all the spikes in the moat type area around the fort and also up the walls.  Lots of deterrents there!

As I started to walk back I heard squealing and a mumma pig was coming for me 😂 as must have thought I was after her piglets!  A quick jog for me and then back on the trail!  

Found a bakery with delicious items down along the lake and sat by the lake with a snack before it started to rain.  12kms of beautiful scenery.

Pizza for dinner!

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