Saturday, July 6, 2024

Cushendun to Ballycastle 🍀 24kms + Rathlin Island

A day of pure bliss 😊

The winds calmed before bedtime last night and so I slept well.  Procrastinated a little this morning as I had a 6km hill to climb first up.  It turned out to be a climb with panoramic views to the 'glens' (valleys) and the ocean, switchbacks and friendly cows and a local bus driver that I've seen a few times now. 

Then a descent through pine forest and then the ocean coming into view.  I had read a recommendation to stop and look at Bonamargy Friary, built in the early 1500's and still quite a lot remaining.  Chatted with a friendly couple walking their dog while I had my morning tea. 

I wanted to visit Rathlin island and checked the timetable and a ferry in 45mins.  I cycled into Ballycastle, set on a huge white beach and harbour, stocked up on needed groceries and went to the ferry terminal.  One seat only left on the ferries today as no ferries had run the last two days and so people had rolled over to today - yay!  They then turned away 8 other people while I was unloading my bike with they kindly looked after for me.
We boarded the ferry for the wild ride over to the island.  We were being tossed about in the waves and many people got a drenching 😂

The island has a bird sanctuary and research centre and I caught the little bus to the end of the island and was able to see gorgeous Puffins and their pufflings (cutest name!) and a range of sea birds.  Scientists were on hand to answer questions.  It's the hatching season 😊.

On the bus on the way back I spotted seals basking on the rocks.  Called out to the bus driver to see if I could get off and 3/4 of the bus ended up joining me.  The seals were having a lovely lazy time

and I then wandered back along the road on the sleepy island with some boats in harbour, holiday makers playing at the beach.  Such a relaxing afternoon.  I spent time with an Irish/ American lady similar age to me and her daughter and then another American photographer. 
Back on the mainland I retrieved my bike and headed up the hill to follow the coastline to my campground. 

An older place on a farm but with views to Rathlin island and beyond to Scotland.  The tent sites are on top of the hill, but I've chosen a site behind a thick hedge in case the winds pick up again 😊 I made my dinner on the picnic table and sat for ages looking at the view 😊

A wonderful day in the outdoors 😊

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