Friday, July 5, 2024

Carnfunnock - Cushenden πŸ€ 47kmsπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ , 5km πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ

 An enjoyable day exploring the Coastal road north of Belfast.

Last night strong winds and heavy rain made it a bit hard to sleep, but thankful i was dry in my tent 😊

The fierce winds continued today and mostly headwinds that meant I was struggling to cycle over 10kms an hour for most of the day πŸ˜‚ however, I am thankful the sun was out for most of the day, with occasional random heavy downpours - but again, very manageable at 16-18 degrees 😊. Nearly blown off my bike on numerous occasions!

The coastal villages are gorgeous and have cute names too. Ballygally, Cushendall, Knocknacarry, Cushendun 😊

I visited the Glenarm castle tearooms upon recommendation

, swapped my cycle cleats for hiking sandals and walked to Cranny falls

and then to a filming location from Game of Thrones - the hidden village of Galboly. The farmer who owns the land was out and about with his shepherds crook chatting with tourists. The rock formations, soaring cliffs, lush vegetation and sea views made this hike extra special 😊

I had planned on camping in Cushendall but discovered they are no longer licensed to have tents (?!?) but the guy kindly rang ahead to the next village and so Cushendun it is.  

Cushendun is a historic village that's now run by the National Trust. Pretty little whitewashed cottages line the shore. In my haste to get to the campground before they closed (reception staying open for me), I failed to google supermarkets and so discovered there are none and there is one food option in the evening - Mary McBrides pub. The restaurant fully booked till 8.30pm but the food well worth waiting for. Local braised Lamb cooked beautifully.  

A really fabulous day, even with windburn to face, lips and eyeballs 😳. The wind seems to be dropping a little as the night goes 

on too🀞

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