Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Cologne πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ - Manchester πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ ✈️

 The morning came around quickly and I reset the foldout lounge back into an office, grabbed my gear and the bedding and headed to my friend's place to spend the morning. A load of washing and drying, family calls, staring into space a bit (quite tired). 

Kailash popped in for lunch with her son (on a half day) and we had a lovely final chitchat before she went off to meetings and I needed to head to the airport. I had intended on cycling the 23kms but ended up riding 4kms to central station and catching the train from there.

I located my check in area, and a quiet spot against the wall and started my pack down of the bike to fit in the bike bag. I couldn't get one pedal off again πŸ™„. Managed to get it all to fit in the bike bag and carry bag (I have uniform and shoes extra) and Checked in with plenty of time. I had a planeload of tired and hungover English soccer fans and so we were all asleep pretty quickly πŸ˜‚

I have my next flight early tomorrow morning and so took advantage of Ryan Air's 'check in your bags the night before if you have an early departure' deal. What this has meant for me is that I now have time to leave the airport, go back to the warm and generous warm showers hosts from my last pass through Manchester, for a night's sleep and catch the first tram at 5am in the morning back to the airport. I passed by the seating area I did my overnighter a few weeks ago and feel incredibly grateful to have a bed instead.

A bleak 14 degrees outside but no rainπŸŽ‰ and a warming lentil stew and homemade bread awaited me.  

Night from me πŸ’€

Monday, July 1, 2024

Cologne πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ. 15kms 🚴‍♀️

Last night in Cologne for me with the final game for this venue. A fantastic well fought knock out game between Georgia and Spain with Spain taking the win. Georgia qualified for the Euros for the first time ever and were thrilled to make it through to the knockout round. And then scored the first goal!

I was honoured to work tonight in the stadium in the VIP seating area. The atmosphere was amazing as the players warmed up in front of their fans and the crowd gathered.  

After the game I returned to the carpark to work with a colleague and ensure all the guests got on the correct busses. I loved my walkie talkie moments too.

I learned two new words in this role 1.Tiefgarage. This word is used in Germany for underground carparks

2. Vomitory. This is a legitimate word used in stadiums to describe the tunnel guests go through to enter and exit the seating 😳

This was an incredible experience. To get to 'live like a local' courtesy of a new friend who allowed me to sleep on her fold out lounge in her office, packed up and looking like an office by 8am daily and then my makeshift bedroom by night and weekends. Very grateful 😊. 

To volunteer at 5 games with a team of professional, friendly lovely people has, of course, been the most wonderful experience. Oh and getting to know my way around this beautiful city, on foot and by bike, taking advantage of all the free entries my volunteer accreditation entitled me to has been so special. 

So tomorrow I leave Germany and the next adventure begins...

Its 2.40am and the rain is coming down outside now. I managed to cycle to and from the stadium without rain 😊. This tired girl is off to sleep, over and out! 

Cologne πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ - Manchester πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ ✈️

 The morning came around quickly and I reset the foldout lounge back into an office, grabbed my gear and the bedding and headed to my friend...