Monday, June 17, 2024

Cologne - Dรผsseldorf - Meersbusch ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช 78kms ๐Ÿšด‍♀️

A little sun peeking through and I decided to head off on a small cycle tour despite predictions of rain.  

The route from Cologne included a few diversions due to bridgework or flooding. I missed the diversion signs in German and so had to backtrack, along with a Dutch Bikepacker. He said he had seen the signs but thought it referred to cars and not bikes. Once I had my eye in, I could spot diversion signs, then google translate to see if applicable.

The Rhine is fast flowing and still has debris from the flooding. The large industrial boats are going past constantly as well as some cruise ships too.  

My flag and Aussie cycle jersey mean I get lots of friendly hellos and waves and checking if I'm ok when stopped for any reason. So lovely ๐Ÿ˜Š

First stop at 35kms at the mediaeval village of Zons. It is a pretty cobble stoned walled village built in the 1300's and the original building still exist today. Towers, windmill, churches and lots of shops, cafes and houses with window boxes. I meandered the streets with lots of tourists enjoying its beauty.

I had about an hour of rain and can report my new waterproof jacket is a winner! 

I headed for Dusseldorf which is quite a large city on the Rhine. I crossed a huge bridge to the other side and made my way to the cobbled old town. The waterfront has an intact section of beautiful old merchant buildings. The UEFA2024 Fanzones are right in town and I watched a little of the soccer over the fence. I had a delicious ice-cream (2 scoops - hazelnut and Elderflower) and tried to cycle through town but the cobble stones are very chunky, slippery when wet, there were lots of tourists and soccer fans, I could see a bit of broken glass too and then the rain came down ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. I sheltered till the rain passed and finished a lap and headed off on my way again.  

Back over the bridge and not long after on the other side I realised I had a flat tyre. This is only my 2nd flat tyre in 7000kms and so have had a good run. I stopped at a small park with a few benches, unpacked my panniers, removed my rear wheel and 3 chunks of green glass and changed the tyre. A lovely old man walking his dog came and sat on a bench to one side and I realised he was keeping an eye on me to see if I was ok ๐Ÿ˜Š. Then another older man sat on the bench on the other side and started chatting. He was an American who married a German lady 40yrs ago and has lived here since. He wanted to make sure I was ok and said it looked like I had it all sorted but would wait just in case. Flanked by caring people ❤️. I put my bike back together, helmet on, said my goodbyes and the American pointed out a rainbow in the sky. How lovely ๐ŸŒˆ, God's promise to look after us ๐Ÿ˜Š

7kms later, mostly in heavy rain, I arrived at my campground. Four other cycle tourers tonight and there's a little common room to hang out. Four of us to put up our tents yet just waited it out and the sun came beaming down soon after.

The campground is full of football fans in caravans, motorhomes and tents. Either music or football blaring ๐Ÿ˜‚ - means I can lie in my tent tonight and know the score ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

A lovely day and I do enjoy touring ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Skjope ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฐ. Matka Gorge 10kms๐Ÿšถ‍♀️

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