Thursday, May 23, 2024

Port Charlotte - Port Askaig - Kennacraig - Taynuit

I awoke after a restful night's sleep in my Youth Hostel. 3 lovely ladies in my room, one on a sketching trip and two birdwatchers. I had my brekky chatting with cycle tourers and birdwatchers 😊

First stop was to the south westerly tip of Islay island - Portnahaven. A remote whitewashed village above a small fishing bay with views to small islands and the Rinns of Islay lighthouse. We had heard that seals can often be seen on the rocks and to our delight we saw a couple frolicking.

Then we followed the coastal road past fields of shaggy sheep and Highland ‘coos’ to Loch Gorm in the centre of the island and then to Sanaigamore Beach. The white sandy beach has clear green water and surrounded by rocky sheep covered hills 😊

Lunch time and we went to a cute pub and I tried a famous Scottish soup - “Cullen Skink” which is a milky soup made on smoked haddock (other fish can be used). It was a mild delicious lunch.

Then to the Islay Woolen mill that has been making tweed since the 1800’s. The master craftsman himself, who has worked there 38yrs, showed us around the small set up. They sell a premium handmade product that has been used by Royals and in many movies.  

Then to the car ferry to take a route weaving between the islands.  

A bleak day but the forecast rain held off while on the island (raining now!), and we had such a lovely peaceful day in the middle of nowhere!

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