A lovely day at my volunteering job. Fridays are leftovers for lunch and so less cooking and time to clean down the whole kitchen instead. It already was neat and tidy and now sparkling.
No snow today but winds building as the afternoon went on and that melted the snow on the paths into ice. Pretty slippery in patches and so went back to the house to do some life admin but, being an outdoorsy type, had to get out amongst it.
I rugged up as -2 outside and went for a walk to some local farmland with rolling snowy hills and cut across a field to the lake I had seen on maps. It was mostly frozen but some ducks and swans were gliding around on the small non frozen section.
I followed a snowy path, that had footprints, around the lake and then realised I was in someone's backyard and I could see them sitting on their lounge in the house π. I didn't fancy trying to walk back up the slippery hill and so just put my head down and walked round the house, giving an awkward wave, then out their front gate and up their private driveway to the road π
Very windy by the time I was back to the house.
Dinner tonight had only a few students as most kids go home for the weekend. They do treat food on the weekends and tonight were home made hamburgers.
I don't claim to be a professional by any means, but thought I would pass on my observations on the teens. They are aged 14-17yrs and I have not seen one pimple on any face and they are tall and look healthy, clear eyes etc.
There is only one teen out of 100 that has a sensitivity to nuts and no other food intolerances or allergies. When I asked the head chef they said that the they occasionally have a child with a gluten intolerance.
Is it environmental? (Lots of fresh air and no pollution),
Is it diet related? (fresh fruit, raw veges and salads, very little sugar, home made breads,only water to drink with no sugary drinks or daily dessert)
Or just genetic?
Could be all three?
Anyway, that's my pondering tonight π
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