Monday, January 8, 2024

Fethiye 🇹🇷 Day 3

Breakfast routine is working at the hotel smoothly with the addition today of being sent off to pick oranges to cut for the buffet and making french toast with yesterday's bread 😊

A Sunday treat was ordering in lunch and the staff all sit together chatting and sharing food.  This is definitely a bonus for me on a workaway assignment as a solo traveller 😊

Then off to explore.  Storms forecast and the wind had picked up but fortunately no rain. I set off on foot as I was heading to the old town and some archaeological sites and I anticipated some hills and the bike is built for the flat.  I walked along the waterfront and then headed up through the houses and shops and then I could see the Amyntas rock tombs carved into the side of the mountain in the 4th century. 

Tourists are able to climb some steps up to the largest tomb with Ionian columns and an incredible view over Fethiye.

You can also see the castle with the Turkish flag flying.  I found my way through the maze of streets, including climbing an embankment 😂 but the site is closed for archaeological work at the moment. 

Then to see a Historical cistern used for storing water and right in the middle of the road!

I wandered to the old town with a maze of streets and old buildings which now host a lot of cafes and bars.

At the end of the road is the Fethiye ancient amphitheatre.  It's currently closed for restoration but I could.still.get a good look from a road behind it.

Then along the waterfront to the marina with all the charter yachts and back to the hotel via the day cruise ships. 

22000 steps on a cooler and breezy day 😊

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