Sunday, January 14, 2024

 Salisbury 🇬🇧. Day 1

A solid night's sleep!  I think I was pretty tired after yesterday's travel day.. after brekky I went on a doggy walk with the housesit owners to see one of the dog routes. Rosie and Daisy are sweet dogs 😊

A fantastic 5 km dog walk near the Old Sacrum which was the original site of Salisbury castle and the  cathedral.  The cathedral was relocated in the 1200’s as the original site of the village, whilst on a hill with 360 degree views, was too far from water and that wasn't practical.  It's surreal to walk dogs across the castle and cathedral sites with so much history.

A cold day maxing out at 2 degrees and so I headed into Salisbury to look around and get some warmer accessories…I now have a beanie, gloves, bed socks and a fantastic charity shop find thick warm navy jacket. 

Then to the Salisbury cathedral for a couple of hours exploring.  There are informative signs throughout the church to help understand the history.  It has the highest spire in the UK.

The Chapter House is located to the side of the cathedral off the Cloisters.  It was finished in 1266 and is a beautiful 8 sided building with stained glass windows.

  It houses the original Magna Carta, written in Latin in 1215.  It is a legal document which talks about the rights of people on regards to freedom, justice and equality.  The Australian constitution used the Magna Carta as a reference.  The full transcript is printed to read. 

Then out in the late afternoon

as darkness was descending and the fairy lights switched on around the Cathedral and across the city.  Pretty fresh and so I popped in to look at shops where it was warm - killing time before the last bus 😊

Back to the house to join in family dinner.  The owners have kindly allowed stay a couple of days earlier which means I get to know the dogs in their presence.

This is a lovely area to be based for a couple of weeks.

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