Thursday, October 26, 2023

Cotswolds 🇬🇧

I've had a wonderful couple of days courtesy of my new local friends!  

On my morning dog walk yesterday I went up the very steep Meon hill and on the way down saw a 'hunt' group heading out.  About a dozen horses and finely dressed riders and their hounds on the scent of foxes.  I watched them cut through the farmers fields and then up the hills on the other side and then the horn blew and the horses were galloping and dogs running.  Amazing sight to see (please no comments on whether this is ethically an acceptable practice).

I had been contacted by Diana, my Warm Showers host from last week to say her hiking group were going out, and would I like to join.  I had a great time exploring Alderminster area with this friendly group (who all had a relative living in Australia 🤣) 

and finished with a pub lunch.  I had the Onion and Cider soup!  This area is known for its apple cider.

Then the girls took me and the dogs for another hilly walk finishing after sunset again, then I joined them at a 'proper English pub' for a steak and ale pie for dinner whilst watching the local skittles comp.  (Another 30,000 steps day!)

Today I had two more hilly walks, this morning in heavy fog.

The fog cleared to a crisp day and the girls took me to Snowshill Manor, where the owner Charles Wade housed his collectables, and he and his wife lived in the adjacent cottage.  He was completely eccentric and there are 200,000 items in this National Trust listed property.  The gardens were beautiful to wander around.

Tonight Yvonne had arranged a unique experience.  We visited the next village and attended the bell ringing practice at the church.. this group.of bell ringers won the regional comp last weekend.  Eight bell ringers, all following complicated routines and sequences.  The bells are all different weights and sizes and were installed in 1641!  We were welcomed and were able to have a go at bell ringing.  A huge upper body and cardio workout.  The recent Coronation bell ringing ceremony lasted 2hrs 53mins with no breaks!  

An incredible experience.

Wow!  The warmth and friendly nature of the Cotswold village folk has been amazing ❤️

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