Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Day 34 Munderkingden to Ulm 50kms

 I woke in my comfortable hotel room to the church bells.  A storks nest on top with a big baby and parent 😊

I was still not feeling 100% so did a very slow cruisy day of cycling with some dry crackers and water only.  Today mainly involved riding through farms.  Lots of people out riding today.  Families, couples, mountain bikers and touring folks.  

I arrived into the large city of Ulm and straight to the Munster which I had been able to see from a few KMs away.  

A magnificent church with different architecture from France or Switzerland with shields and lots of inscriptions on the walls.  

The church was busy with tourists of many nationalities.  I paid the extra amount to climb the 394 stairs (each way) via a tight spiral staircase to the first level lookout.  I arrived dripping on a 32 degree day, as did everyone who arrived huffing and puffing out of the little door   Great views of the large city on one side but construction blocked the views on the other.  Down the stairs and off to the tourism centre.  I've noticed quite a difference in style in German centres compared to French.  The French went out of their way to be proactively helpful, circling maps etc.

I cycled down to the old town section that is built on canals with little bridges and old style houses.  The famous crooked hotel that has been built to allow boats to pull in and park underneath.

I then cycled back along the path and over a pedestrian bridge to a canoe club I had heard about that allows campers.  I was the first to arrive and they were all getting ready to head out for a canoe.  A large club and so access to toilets, showers and a huge kitchen all included for 9 euro.  5 tents here tonight and I had dinner with Carolina, a girl from Neuremburg who is cycling to Switzerland to be there for her niece's first day of school.  Then chatted with a young Austrian guy doing the exact route as me, except he rides 110-130kms a day!  Day 15 for him today.  That's full on with a loaded bike in the heat! 

I went down the steps to watch the canoeists get into the water and go for their 2.5hr canoe.  I sat with my feet and legs dangling in the cool Danube feeling relaxed, watching people going past cycling, walking, jogging, inline skating, canoeing and stand up paddleboarding



  1. I reckon that the Austrian guy won’t be stopping to smell the roses like you are Tiffany. Louise

    1. Yes he’s definitely not taking the tourist route! He may as well be at home on a wind trainer. 😂

    2. True! No smelling roses or stained glass window gazing.
      I met a cyclists from.Cameroon and he rides about 100-120kms a day and sightseers! He starts super early and finishes in the dark. Sweet guy


Carnfunnock - Cushenden 🍀 47kms🚴‍♀️ , 5km 🚶‍♀️

 An enjoyable day exploring the Coastal road north of Belfast. Last night strong winds and heavy rain made it a bit hard to sleep, but thank...