Sunday, July 23, 2023

Day 19 Chalon-Sur-Saone to Saint Jean-de-Losne 72kms

Awoke this morning in tent city (which means I did get some sleep) to the thrilling sounds of smokers coughing up phlegm πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Smoking is such a 'thing' here in France and allowed at all restaurants too.  Decided to wear my Aussie jersey today which brought lots of comments from campers who, in our section, seemed to be performers and artists.  A lot had come to Australia for different festivals or shows and were on for a chat. have a giggle at a guy 55yrs+ in his tartan tight pants and white singlet with a face like Mick Jagger but with a curly blue mohawk - all at 8.30am πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Had a nice chat with him (while he smoked) about Sydney.

We then hit the road and went through lots of farmland with cattle and horses today as well as the usual sunflowers, corn and wheat.

We stopped about 25kms along the way as my German friends were in need of a coffee, oh and a trip to the patisserie.  I'm not really a sweet tooth but every few days have a french pastry cause 'when in Rome's!  Today I tried the incredible chocolate eclair - next level! And a peek inside the local church with a huge artwork as the feature.

The sunflowers here were huge and so I hopped off my bike to get a closeup and my ignorance with European plants meant I want through nettles to get to the flowers and the only way out was to walk back through them again!  The next hour I kept remembering those lovely sunflowers while my legs were smarting with the wind blowing on them πŸ˜‚

A large sunflower next to my gloved hand

Into my final destination to set up camp.  This town has the largest inland port in France.  My German friends decided they weren't keen on a mid afternoon finish and headed off for another 30kms to the next campsite.  The last week with them has been lovely.  A fun, easy to get along with couple who have been together since 16 and modelled what a great relationship should be like.  They have invited me to come and stay anytime and I think I'll take them up on it 

After a shower I cycled into town to see the church with the interesting roof - closed for Reno's.  The marina had a lot of vessels and you can stay on a few floating hotels here.

Parked outside the campground reception area ready to check in

Very busy port

Had dinner at the campground cafe for 10 euro - a French chicken dish of chicken smothered in a creamy cheesy white sauce with salad and chips and now listening to a band playing at the cafe.  This is a small  site but right on the water and quite a few cyclists in for the night.  Heading towards another UNESCO World heritage area over the next few days.


  1. You had me at chocolate eclair. 😍 Hope the nettled legs recover quickly. 😬

  2. Glad you had some company for a few days. Hope legs are feeling better x WAP

    1. Thanks WAP. My legs have scratches, bruises, patchy sunburn and toenail polish that needs removing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. A few weeks added to the spectacular look

  3. A day of eclair highs and nettle lows πŸ˜†

    1. Spot on! (Actually lots of spots on πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)


Shanghai - Sydney - Brisbane πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

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