Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Day 14 Cosne Cors San Loire to Nevers 82kms

After packing up my tent and farewelling the spacious campground, we (yes, fortunate to spend another day with my new German friends) cycled over the bridge to find a patisserie as needing to buy groceries.  Breakfast of almond croissant, and another pastry! Plus a baguette for the road.  

The town was hosting a flea market and I felt like I was on antiques Roadshow, wondering what gems were waiting to be discovered.  

Off we started on our journey.  Conflicting GPS map KMs varied by 20kms so we headed off anyway on a scorching and breezy day.  Lots of farmland and after nearly 40 KMs, left the route to explore a village and find a cafe for lunch.  The town of Pouilly sur Loire has a lot of ancient buildings and character in its winding streets.  The town is known for its books and the quaint cafe we launched at had pages of books stuck all over the walls.  Beautiful fresh lunch if salad and buffalo mozzarella.

The last 40+KMs saw us pass the official 0kms sign marking the end of the Loire river, meaning I have cycled it from the source to the end, nearly 600kms.  (Interestingly there are smaller tributaries  that include Loire in the name, but that's what the sign said!).

We passed by two more canal bridges over the Loire river and watched a luxury boat go through a lock to the canal on the lower side 

Arrived at our campground just over the bridge from town, set up tents, showered and walked into town to explore and buy some groceries. 

We found a popular pizza cafe and decided to not cook, but have pizza
 instead.  Wandered the streets looking at the historic buildings.


  1. Sounds like another lovely day. Glad you have some company. How far are they traveling?

    1. Albie and Jutta are travelling through till Germany and seem to be ok with my company... So probably another week or so.

    2. That’s great! I’m sure they’re appreciating your company as much as you are theirs.

  2. God that food looks incredible!


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