Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Hague - Delft - Der Zilk πŸ‡³πŸ‡±πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ67kms

Another fabulous day riding 😊. Woken about 4.30am with the predicted thunderstorms.  Glad to be in my hostel 😊

I rode around The Hague for a bit but it's quite stressful with lots of Tramlines and trams to negotiate, cycle lanes with e-bikes and mopeds zooming past! 

So i headed south to the quaint little town of Delft.  

I wanted to visit the Royal Delft museum and factory.  The history of the production since the 1600's is very interesting.  Originally making chunky crockery like Spain and southern Europe.  Once trade ships started visiting exotic parts of the world, the demand for the fine Chinese porcelain meant they were losing business.  Over a period of time and changing owners they changed their style, sourced the components they needed and started making fine china.  They rose to fame when the English Mary Stewart, married to William III bought a full dinner set and accessories.  The Dutch royalty followed suit and the products took off. 

The factory tour also is interesting to see the complex process. I spoke with the artist and he said it would take 2 full days to paint the piece he was working on.  The glace paint turns the black paint to blue during the firing process.

I had morning tea in the cafe, drinking out of Delft pottery and their speciality spiced apple cake.

Then a meander through the cobbled village, along canals filled with people enjoying a sunny public holiday.

Then headed north through suburbs, forests, exclusive mansions and all on dedicated cycle paths or lanes.

Netherlands is everything I had been told from a cycling perspective.  Amazing interlinking cycle roads, overpasses, traffic lights and very well used by the locals, sitting upright on what we would call granny or cruiser bikes πŸ˜‚

I had received a message from Charlotte a sweet Dutch girl, friend of a friend who stayed with me for about a week 5 years ago and was a FB friend.  A small diversion and we caught up for a drink and a chat.  What a delightful young woman she is and a great couple of hours spent. 

She recommended taking the sand dunes route to my campground even though it would mean even windier than I was currently facing.  Can't knock back local knowledge and so to the sea I went.  An amazing, well used cycle trail following the coast north through undulating sand dunes.  Lots of kite surfers out today 😊

I arrived at my campground before 7pm and am one of 3 tents tonight. There are hundreds of caravans and motorhomes.  Great spot with a fishing lake, sand dunes, beach and cycle paths. 

Within an hour I had my tent and bedding set up, showered and dinner made.  

I'm only 20kms from Amsterdam and have a huge logistics day to pull off tomorrow.  It's 9.15pm and the sun just setting.  Definitely a more summery feel today.

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