Sunday, May 19, 2024

Edinburgh to Taynuilt

 Today I started my travels with Marion and a group of friends through Scotland.

Today's group of 8 assembled at the meet point to start our week away. Each are linked to Marion somehow.

We headed off in 3 cars towards the west. We passed Lochs, soaring green mountains and forests.  

First stop to the village of Killen, home of the McNab clan where there is a small island in the middle of the river where the head clansman are buried. We walked across the old bridge and down the rocks to the water. I took my sandals off and dipped my feet in the cool water 😊

Then off to Loch Awe for a walk out to Kilchirn castle ruins on the edge of the Loch. Walking past buttercups and blue bells with views to the shaggy Highland cows grazing beside and in the water.

Very blessed with a sunny clear day providing views for miles 😊

Back in the car to follow the winding road around the Loch to Saint Conan's Kirk and unique church started late 1800's and finished in 1930 with craftsmen brought in to bring to life the beautiful designs. The active church is right on the loch.

Our cabins are in a park further along the loch. Dinner at a local restaurant and then caught the sunset before chatting on the lounge.

A fabulous day immersed in Scottish nature 😊

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