Thursday, February 29, 2024

Horne πŸ‡©πŸ‡°

For brekky this morning the team delivered a rye and beer porridge (Ollebrod) they had spoken about and I wanted to try, served with whipped cream!  It was rich and full of flavour and a very decadent breakfast cereal 😊

I think it's great that the teens are out on cleaning duty for a week each term and kitchen duty for another week.

After my duties today I went for a local cycle to a beach and rode along the sand with views to the wind turbines of Hirtshals in one direction and the west coast of Denmark as far as I could see in the other. 

We had some.sunshine for an hour or so and the bulbs in our garden have burst into flower πŸŽ‰

I enjoyed watching the teens play poison ball from the viewing balcony with teams battling it out for the grand prize of Cup noodles (boarding schoolers late night snack).  

Spent a couple of hours with my Italian flatmate Alex on Google showing each other the highlights of Trieste in Italy and Brisbane and surrounds.

A pretty cruisy day all round.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Horne πŸ‡©πŸ‡° & Hjorring πŸ‡©πŸ‡°

 The last few days have been lovely.  β€˜Social sunday’ Timo and I cycled into Hjorring and I went to Danish church.  I got very excited initially as the first song in English but the rest in Danish.  It was interesting to follow the words on the screen with the way they are pronounced.  What a crazy language full of silent letters πŸ˜‚. 

Then we were invited to lunch with a group of friendly people, yummy lunch and lots of questions about all the dangerous animals in Australia πŸ˜‚

Then cycled to visit one of the school cooks and her beautiful family for afternoon tea with a traditional Danish cake in their lovely historic home they have bought and are renovating.  The beautiful young daughter had been making bracelets and she gave me one, showed me her room and crafting table - such a cutie.  

Then cycled back and caught up with all the students as they returned from their winter break.  Lots had been skiing in Norway or gone to summer houses etc. and then our two missing flatmates arrived back from their adventures in Italy and Paris.

Monday I was back on kitchen duties and in the afternoon joined the PE group mountain biking in the local forest.  Fast teenagers and a fit teacher!  They kindly waited at the top of the hills for me.  Then in the evening our next work away guy arrived.  A young Italian student from Rome.  He will be replacing me and just a few cross over days.

Today I was on kitchen hand duties and made the meatloaf topped with bacon for 100+ people. Great recipe and slicing consistency when cooked.

I had been invited to do a presentation on my travel experience to the advanced English class which went well. I had made a PowerPoint with maps and photos.  Some good questions afterwards too 😊

This afternoon I joined the Futsal (indoor soccer) group for their class.  I was a little nervous how my leg would hold up to it but I managed the warmup and an hour's game with thundering 16&17yr old lads.  I made some errors and remembered some of my previous skills and did some goal saving tackles (much to my delight), joined in high fives and our team amazingly won! My cup was full as I so miss having teenage sons and their friends over and daily soccer in the backyard ❀️😊

Then after dinner our little Workaway family of 5 had got chocolate and cake and played Italian β€˜Risk’ board game. 😊

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Horne πŸ‡©πŸ‡° Days 21 & 22

A couple of quieter days. 

Yesterday the weather was windy and rainy in the morning and so a good chance to do some planning and reading and some chores.  In the afternoon it was too windy for a ride and so I went for a big walk around the block. Since the snow has melted, bulbs are starting to push through and snow drops, a yellow flower and a purple one are starting to colour front yards and gardens. 

Timo and I finish each day with a well fought game of chess which has been fun.

This morning I created a PowerPoint presentation as I'll be speaking with the advanced English class this week and then this afternoon, Timo took me for a cycle to the beach and then a long walk on the beach to see some WWII bunkers that sand erosion has blown away the dunes and now left them on the shoreline. 

We scrambled to the top of the dunes for fantastic views along the west coast. 

Then a pleasant cycle back again.
A little project of painting a shelving unit which has taken us on and off all night and made a batch of brownies and chess between coats.

Full moon tonight and interestingly, I've noticed since being in the north of Denmark that there are very few stars here which has really surprised me as we are so remote, there is no light pollution?? 

Goodnight from me, my last week ahead of me in this little piece of paradise 😊

Shanghai - Sydney - Brisbane πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

 As I land β€˜home’ to Brisbane (with a plane load of Olympians), 53 hrs after boarding my bus in Paris 11.30pm Sunday night, I'm wonderin...