Thursday, January 4, 2024

Prague 🇨🇿 Day 2

First up I watched the Astronomical clock chime.  Built in 1410 the medieval clock is the oldest in operation today.

Then I took the free 3hr, 20th Century Communism walking tour of Prague.  The guide Scott was a passionate History expert and passed on so many facts and he has a fabulous story telling style.  Czech Republic has such a history of occupation from many forces and the last Communist representative in Parliament was only voted out in 2021!!

Czech has a proud history of being leaders in so many surprising (for me) areas.  Prague was considered the 2nd Culinary city behind Paris till Communism when all farmers were told to stop growing a variety of foods and the diet changed to be one of potato, bread and other basic foods.  The communists approved a cookbook of 200 basic recipes that all restaurants must adhere too. 
Between the first and second world wars they surged ahead. Czech car brand Skoda was the first production line vehicles made in the world, before the Model T Ford.  The shoe brand Bata was the first assembly line shoe brand in the world. 

They became masters of industrial inventions and assembly line factories.

The stories of the Austrian rule, then the atrocities during the communist rule, concentration camps, the resistance underground movement were both fascinating and disturbing. 

A 4 degree rainy day and I could barely move my fingers or my jaw to speak!  I bought a warm chimney cake

and then back to the hostel for an hour to warm up before the concert tonight.  I bought some discounted, limited viewing tickets to hear the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra play in the 14th century Tyn Church that sits on the Old Town square. Incredible acoustics and the pipe organ amazing!

A sausage from a vendor in the square while watching the Christmas tree light display and then, upon recommendation, visited the Terasa U Prince rooftop bar for the famous ‘Golden Egg’ desert with a mulled wine and views of the castle and square. 

Back to the hostel to meet my new room mates 😊

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