Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Budva 🇲🇪

Morning thunderstorms and rough seas made for an inside morning chatting with others at the hostel. 
I braved the weather at lunchtime and the coastal walk i did yesterday would not have been possible today due to the raging seas crashing over the path.  The boats in the marina bobbing up and down.

After lunch I spent time wandering the little alleys of the Old Town, originally built in the 9th century but suffered a lot of damage in an earthquake and was repaired in 17th century. 

I visited the Citadel (castle) perched at the entrance to the harbour.  The views to the headland and islands beautiful, even in the rough weather.  The castle walls.closed today for safety due to the strength of the wind.

Saw some Roman ruins from 1st century BC.  They just have a simple.sign and a few cats watching over them.  I went inside the tiny Holy Trinity church with painted frescoes with gold leaf!

I sat on the castle wall and watched the sunset, storm clouds and crashing seas 😊. Then paid a visit to my pasta making friend for round 2 of hand rolled pasta 😊

A chilled evening on the lounge sharing travel tips and stories with Canadian, Serbian, Russian and Croatian travellers.  I have managed to score an 8 bed room to myself tonight! 


  1. Hi Tiff.
    Wonderful trip. Reading every day. Loved our time in Budva and Kotor.
    U Ian and A June

  2. Such gorgeous places! It's out of season and so weather unpredictable but still gorgeous 😊


Skjope 🇲🇰. 14kms 🚶‍♀️

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