Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Travelling solo by bike

As the main European cycling season winds up, many are posting reflections on the FB group pages that I have joined.  This one received hundreds of likes as solo travellers resonated with it.  This is my season of solo travel and it may not always be my season but yesterday as I had a steep and physically challenging day on the bike, I was so glad I was by myself and not feeling like I was holding others up as I had to push up the hills.

He wrote:

The allure of a solo cross-country bike adventure is an intoxicating blend of freedom, challenge, and self-discovery. It's a journey that requires minimal rest, as the open road beckons with its unending landscapes and the promise of new experiences at every turn.

The essence of such an adventure lies in its solitude. The solo traveler is not bound by the preferences or pace of others. They are free to set their own rhythm, to stop when they wish, and to push forward when they feel the urge. This freedom allows for an intimate connection with the journey itself, as every decision, every turn, every uphill struggle and downhill thrill is a personal choice.

The need for minimal rest is not just a physical challenge, but a mental one as well. The body may scream for respite after long hours in the saddle, but the mind thrives on the constant stimulation of new sights, sounds, and smells. The fatigue becomes a part of the journey, a testament to the miles covered and the landscapes conquered.

Rest stops become opportunities to connect with locals, to sample regional delicacies, and to learn about the history and culture of the places passed through. They are brief interludes in the symphony of the journey, moments to savor before getting back on the bike and pedaling onwards.

The solo cross-country bike adventure is not for everyone. It demands resilience, determination, and a willingness to embrace discomfort. But for those who undertake it, it offers rewards beyond measure. The sense of accomplishment at journey's end is magnified by the knowledge that every pedal stroke was powered by one's own strength and will

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