Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Oxfordshire πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Today I drove my hire car from north Wales to Oxford and met Julie who is kindly letting me leave some luggage while I cycle.

I then drove to the rental car place on the other side of Oxford and set my bike up with panniers to ride to my house sit. 

I set off with storms predicted.  European summer has gone and so the rainy season has begun.
The first 45 mins or so were through cycle lanes in suburbs and then into the countryside following country lanes.  

The quaint towns with thatched cottages and fields of green were a delight to ride through.  

The rain came down, sprinkly initially but then got heavier.  

I realised that my helpful cycle app that I had planned my route had automatically changed to miles from kms without me noticing and so what I thought was 23kms, was actually 23 miles. Thunder started and at that moment I received a message from the host couple asking if I wanted a rescue pickup.  I said yes and continued riding but was soon rescued!

A really lovely couple and I have tomorrow with them too so I can get to know the two dogs and he is a cyclist and is going to show me the local routes.  Friendly dogs, a beautiful vege lasagne for dinner and a comfortable room.  A fab 10 days ahead for me.

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