Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Vienna Day 4 πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ή

This morning I relaxed with the cats and worked on the next couple of week's logistics.  Downloaded cycle maps, researched campgrounds, paid a few bills at home etc.

Then off to City hall for a free architectural tour.  Lucked out this time as the spots were all filled up by the time it came to me.  All ok as I've certainly done well with my free or discounted Vienna experience.

Off to the Sisi Museum via Volksgarden rose gardens again.  The fragrance is so beautiful and only a tiny detour.

The Sis museum and apartments is housed in the Royal Palace and showcases the interesting and quite sad life of the Empress Elisabeth (Susi) and the Emperor Franz Joseph who adored his wife.  She was betrothed at 15yrs and married at 16 and didn't cope with the noteriety that came.from her role as an Empress and was described as melancholy.  

She was a sports woman and a highly skilled horse rider known for her daredevil riding.  She had a gym workout routine that included gymnastic rings, bar and other activities which were unusual for that era.  She was known for her beauty and slender figure and also usually on a diet and had a time consuming beauty routine including 2-3hrs spent brushing and caring for her ankle length hair.  Her oldest daughter died as a youngster and her son commited suicide which it's said she never recovered from.  She herself was assassinated.  A lot of tragedy and depression.  The apartments are spectacular with the most beautiful chandeliers and silk tapeatries and gold.
I found it fascinating, sad and mostly interesting to read about their lives and see the beautiful palace.

Photo of the gift shop.  No photos allowed in the museum.but this gives an idea to the extravagance of the Palace.

I then wandered the beautiful ring road with so many stately buildings, horses and carriages trotting by.

I had an afternoon treat by visiting the oldest coffee house in Vienna - the Mozart cafe. 

 I don't drink coffee and decided to go all out and have the ices chocolate and the famous Mozart Torte.  The cafe played Mozart music, was classicly old fashioned and the service attentive. 

Then over to the Albertina museum (Art gallery).  What a joy to see artwork by Monet, Cezanne, Matisse, Degar, Picasso, Michaelangelo and De Vinci.  The museum was busy with many art lovers and a great atmosphere to sink into for a few hours.

What a great day!
I had planned on a Schnitzel for dinner but many restaurants closed on a Monday and I hadn't realised I needed a reservation.
Next best thing was to try the Vienna speciality - Kaserkrainer cheese sausage.  Had that fabulous pop sound when biting into it.

Walked back to the train via the rose gardens again I sat for a while watching the sun set and then decided to walk on the grass and sniff each rose along the row.  

Some had the most delicate scent and others looked pretty but no fragrance.


I got to the end and a man came up to me and said he had watched me and what was my verdict.  I explained that some were fragrant and others not so, but all beautiful.  He asked where I was from and said I was welcome to visit Vienna and sniff the roses anytime 😊

Another lovely day in Vienna.


  1. Wonderful Tiffany. Memories flooding back.
    Belvedere Castle is worth a visit.
    U Ian

    1. Such a beautiful.city. Belvedere is on the list for today.


Shanghai - Sydney - Brisbane πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

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