Saturday, July 8, 2023

Day 4 Angers to Saumur 54kms

I'm living a dream 😊. Each day is different and spectacular in its own way. I left the campground this morning before 10 am and bought a chocolate croissant and an Apricot at the markets on my way out of town. 

The route continued through farmlands of sunflowers, corn and hops as well as market gardens and flower farms. The scenery through the quaint villages is jaw dropping and several times today I said out loud, is this actually real!  

Several times today the EV route 6 gave two options and so lucky dip I would choose one over the other. After going through farmlands for a while I headed back to the river and ended up meeting a British man Tom and his son Luke who had been riding in Spain but it was too hot so they drove north to France Instead. Lovely and chatty and we parted ways.

I had my picnic lunch in the most gorgeous mediaeval village Gennes Val de Loire. This region has white stone buildings. So many out cycle touring, from couples, singles, grounds of uni age and families - I saw a family of 5 with the youngest only about 7, all with panniers and dad pulling a trailer with a Labrador! All off on holiday. 

I had a choice of route and so flagged down a French road cyclist who recommended I take the right turn.. he managed to indicate it would be hilly but worth it. He cycled me out of town and waved me farewell. I saw him 20kms up the road on his way back. He was right. The hilly route climbed through villages built into the side of the rock, with cave houses and all with a view down to the Loire river. Each village had magestic churches, houses and most are immaculate and lived in. I was dripping as such a hot day and pulled into a restaurant along the river for a cold.drink. I sat with a German couple Roland and Christina who had rented an Airbnb not too far away and were doing day cycles on ebikes. A few KMs later as I was struggling up a steep climb, Roland appeared and gently held my elbow and pushed me up the steep hill. I rode with them for a hilly few KMs and accepted the offer of a push when needed.  

The local French cyclists who guided me out of town

Roland and Christina from Duseldorf

Then on to Saumur where I had seen the chateau standing magestically above the town, as I descended on an opposite hill. This town is picture perfect and is famous for breeding horses. It appears to be a wealthy town. I followed the signs, and as to be expected, faced a massive hill to get to the Chateaux. I amanaged to ride ⅔ of it and then had to push my golden beast the rest of the way. I arrived at the top, red faced, to find entry through a small vineyard. Absolutely worth the hike up. The views of the city and valley below superb. I had planned on riding another 10kms to a campsite but felt done. A chance conversation with a Dutch couple who recommended the campsite they are staying in on a small island in the river. Only 7 mins cycle. SOLD!  

View across the pool at the campsite to the Chateau Saumur.

I stopped for dinner in a buzzing cafe district and then off to register and set up camp before the thunderstorm hit. I just finished setting up, gave the couple watching from their chair,table and motorhome a thumbs up and down came the rain. Inside the tent till it passes then a much needed shower.


  1. You need a trailer and a dog!!!! Why didn’t we think of that earlier? 😂

    1. I've seen quite a lot of big dogs getting a ride! Some little ones in baskets too.

  2. Ha ha Yvonne! (Vicki)


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