Friday, July 7, 2023

Day 3 Anciens to Les ponts de ce 66kms

 I left the campground around 10 as I waited for the sun to filter through and dry the tent.  The campsite was twittery with birds and the local rooster didn't crow till 9am 😂. Today I rode through farmland with sunflowers, and fields of corn and wheat.  So many farms have huge vegetable.gardens with lush tomatoes and lettuce. 

The farm houses were amazing.  Ancient and covered in vines and beautiful.gardens with a modern front door and windows and shutters.

I met Aurelie who was patting a ginger cat.  She had ridden to town for some groceries.  She said it was a stray cat that was timid and diseased.  She started finding it and feeding it cream daily since April and it was happily playing with her.  She already has 3 cats and her husband said no more.  We had a lovely broken English chat 😊

I saw a replica of Notre Dame du Marillais in the tiniest village.

I had lunch in a beautiful town down by the river with about 15 other touring bikers and others.  Montjean sur Loire is another small town that has built an array of sculptures along the riverbank for cyclists and walkers to enjoy.

I was feeling pretty hot and needing something cool when I came up the most gorgeous summery cafe filled with cyclists and holiday makers eating and drinking in the colourful chairs and tables. Cafe Bondu. The lovely lad behind the bar filled my drink bottles.

Leant my Bike pump to a father and son with a flat and chatted to them.for about 20 mins while their patch dried and they removed a thorn from the tyre.  Local and dad taking his son on and overnight adventure.  Love it.

I saw the huge rock that used to signify the marker for paying a toll tax for boats on the Loire river.

Meandered through towns with beautiful buildings and gardens and arrived at Slow Village Loire Valley and am camped in the bicycle touring section.  Have shared cycling tales, maps and route recommendations with French and Dutch cyclists.  Fabulous day again 😊


  1. Another wonderful day, Tiff. Keep the tales flowing ♥️ Deb G x

  2. Fantastic Tiffany 🙏


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