Saturday, July 15, 2023

Day 11. Beaugency to Orleans 40kms

Bastille Day!

My day started with a fresh baguette and chocolate croissant ordered from the camping cafe the night before.  No picnic tables at this campsite So I sat on the grass next to my tent and had my cereal and treats 😊

I crossed the bridge into Beaugency to view the local Chateaux.  It was exciting to cycle through into the courtyard.  A portion of the chateau is in tact and the tallest building is missing its roof.  A surprise prism was catching the light.

Onto the Loire-a-velo route which followed the river quite a bit today.  I love the little colourful surprise cafes, music playing and serving cold drinks and snacks, just for cyclists or walkers in the middle of nowhere along the river cycle path 😊

I came across a quaint town Meung-sur-Loire who were in full swing with a family fishing competition. I watched for a while as contestants pulled up fish and rushed them over for weighing.

Then a wander up through the streets and found a long queue outside a patisserie. I lined up to see what the fuss was about and the shelves were nearly empty as locals filled picnic baskets with baked treats. A couple of treats and then a meander to the local chateau (closed for the public holiday)

Back on the veloway I passed many many groups cycle touring. Family groups have increased since the holidays have started. I came across a group of 4 and suddenly I heard my name being called out. Four Brisbanites had recognised me from the Eurovelo Facebook group. They are near the end of a two month journey touring and staying in hotels. We chatted sharing tourist tips and then on my way again.

I arrived into beautiful Orleans via the Rue Royale. A beautiful road that leads from the river to the Joan of Arc statue. Spectacular white buildings line the clean streets.  

The Tourisma office gave me a paper map and marked the route to my hotel and off I went up the hill to unload my bike, charge up my phone, do some washing and watch the last 40kms of today's Tour de France.  

Off to explore and back at the Joan of Arc statue I found a market set up and bought a couple of fresh apricots 😊 then on to the incredible Cathedral Ste Croix built in 1278 and redone on the 1600's and finally finished in the 1800's and immaculately preserved. Joan of Arc frequented the church during the Seige of Orleans and the stained glass windows are in honour of her efforts. Breathtaking.

I then spent and hour or so cycling the streets soaking in the relaxed summery atmosphere with most streets with restaurants.  

Finished down at the river with a free Bastille day band playing (unusually) South American music. I'm back at the hotel and can hear the 11pm.fireworks going off in the suburbs (banned in the centre of town). Fab day


  1. What a fabulous day!

  2. So good! Great decision, one of those days you won’t forget Tiff.


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