Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Day 1 - EV6 St Nazaire to Nantes 64kms

 I've had the most wonderful day!

After a good night's sleep I enjoyed a beautiful brekky at the hotel while watching the rain outside.  The forecast said it would be clearer in the afternoon and so I was in no hurry.  

Nutella on tap!

I left the hotel about 10.30 in my wet weather gear and followed a series of bike paths over train lines, along the huge shipping port area to the start of the famous bridge over to Les Brevins.  There are huge warning signs to deter cyclists and the local council.put on a free shuttle bus (hourly) for cyclists.  I waited with cyclists from Switzerland, Germany and France and we were all able to make cycle conversation.  After 45 min waiting we were firm friends.  The bridge is enormous and very busy with huge trucks and I was glad if the shuttle.

Steep bicycle pathway over the rail

Waiting at the shuttle bus stop

Happy not to be riding this spectacular bridge

Les Brevin is the start (0kms) of the Eurovelo route 6 which I plan to ride from the Atlantic to the Black Sea and it was pretty cool to stand there on day 1 and try and imagine me actually.completing this journey.  I had intended on dipping my bike into the Atlantic but the tide was an incredible way out and slimey mud was a deterrent.

0kms - the Atlantic

Off I set, following my GPS but then turned it off as the signage was excellent.  The first 10-14kms travelled along the Atlantic to the mouth of the Loire with long wooden Jerry's with fishing huts that are owned and some available for hire for the day.  

Lunch spot with a view

Fishing hits beside the Loire

As the cycle path followed the Loire and then canals, I passed quite a lot of people cycle touring on a range of bikes.  All politely saying Bonjour.  I had a picnic (from my buffet brekky) of a boiled egg, some cheese, bread and a banana at a bird watching lookout.

My German riding buddies

On the ferry

I often joined a lovely German couple Hans Jurgen and Cordoula and we chatted about cycling and life in general as we rode.  They were on their last day of your of Brittany.  We caught a ferry across the Loire as we neared Nantes to avoid a tough bridge crossing and save some KMs.  There are 22 free car/bike ferries across the Loire!  

Beautiful meal made with love

My warm and friendly hosts Jacky and Veronique

The ride into the city went through some lovely suburbs and all on dedicated cycleways.  I had planned to camp but with rain on and off decided before I left the hotel to try out the Warm Showers website and contact a host to see if they could have me for the night.  This is a site where cyclists host other cyclists for free.  To my delight Jacky and Veronique said they would love to have me and I followed my GPS when I got to town and arrived at their warm and welcoming home.  What a beautiful friendly couple who have cycles the route I am about to embark on.  They made a beautiful meal of quiche and salad, followed by cheeses and fruit with red wine.  Veronique works with an NGO in Africa and so we had lots in commo.  Tomorrow Jacky will cycle me to see the sights before I head off to my next destination.

Feeling very blessed.  


  1. Wow Tiff. Meeting so many interesting and generous people.Happy travels. Deb G x

    1. Thanks Deb. Everyone so friendly and I think my Aussie flag jersey helps

  2. Amazing first day Tiff. Glad the warm showers worked out.

  3. Fantastic start particularly with the Warm Showers part xx

  4. Off to a fantastic start ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  5. Ugh! Finally worked out how to comment as me and not some anonymous creeper. Looks like an amazing day and I should have more faith in humanity, your warm showers hosts were amazing.

    1. Lisa - you have reason to take caution and I need your experience to guide this positive thinker. Xx

    2. Amazing Tifdany ๐Ÿ‘



A day being a tourist on a gorgeous sunny 28 degree day.   I took advantage of some of the freebies and offers available to UEFA volunteers ...